Website building tips and tricks

We are living in a digital era. Business is no more limited to offices and buildings. Today's business is all about the virtual market with millions of customers globally.  
The simple strategy of doing business is all about doing it on-line. No matter what you are into, whether you run a restaurant, own a fashion house or selling any kind of product.

So why need a website!
The website
is a great way to market your business online. it gives you the easiest and simplest approach to connecting your costumers. Increasing your reach to market will give your business great credit ability.

Do you wana kick start your business with an online presence?

Tips & trick to build an outstanding website

1. Simplify your Web page, remove clutter

No one likes to trap their self in clattery things. Simplicity says it all. Keep it simple & realistic to your business.
Define web pages with simple elements. Avoid unnecessary pop ups, notifications & adds, Put the concentration on specifying your product or services.
  • Use simple info sections about the products to highlight the details.
  • Facilitate the features & pricing compatibility.
  • Use high definition images of the product to give a real touch and feel. 
2Brand yourself as a pro

The brand defines the reliability of your product & services, give your brand a face.
  • Describe your brand into few words.
  • Add a Brand tagline to your website.
  • Right words at write place play a magic to visitors thought.
  • Tell your success stories to your customers.
  • Add  your work samples with clients.
  • Define key special features about your product or services.
  • Own your goodwill with customers. 
3. Act your own audience

. If you want to reach your potential auditions, have an idea about their need for the product. 
Wear your visitor's shoes. 
  • Think like the audience to own self.
  •  learn your experiences and difficulties while you visit some websites.
  • Choose a layout which gives a smooth and easy feel to the visitor.
  • Spend some time to choose the right icons for instructions.
  • Make sure to choose the right font to a web-page.
  • Positions the tables and search boxes write alignment.
  • Give a simple and small registration form to users.
  • Allow a guest visit to the website.
4. Say it all using colors 

Your brand must own a color. Every color reflects some thoughts and has some meaning. It defines emotions, thoughts & feeling. Understand the psychology of it before choosing the one for you.
  • Own a logo with your brand color.
  • Use the colors which complement each other. 
  • Choose images which show the best combination.
  • Master the color game.
5. Visualize through Images

Communicate your ideas through high definition images. It's the best way to derive the visitor's attentions towards your product. Studies say that our brain processing/response time to images is 60,000 times faster than text. 
  • Use the High definition images of your product.
  • Give  360 degree angle view to users.
  • Capture product from different angles.
6. Make text easy to read

Designing a site specifically around visuals could harm its legibility. If you’re using a font that looks good but no one can read, you’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
When we say a website should be easy to read, we’re talking about three different meanings:

Well-written. The copy text is written to suit your business goals and in a voice that appeals to your audience.
Aesthetically laid out. The copy text is displayed well, preferably with plenty of space and in digestible blocks that don’t overwhelm the reader.
Legible. The font and size are both conducive to reading, without strain or double backing.
While legibility stems mostly from typography, you also must consider composition and structure, as well as how the text interacts with other elements—not to mention the quality of the actual writing.
Having an amazing web design won’t matter if no one can read your text. Top Level designer akorn. Creative takes this to heart—see how in the web design above they faded the background photograph to black to create more contrast with the text and make it readable.

7. Say your profession 

Invest in a website which shows your profession. Do not allow any kind of mistake while creating it.
  • Scan typos, spell-mistakes, Banner and footer notes etc.
  • Choose same color combination which matches pages to page.
  • Check if the navigation links are working properly. 
  • Gain the trust of your customers, by providing them an error free environment.
8.Allow users to rate and review your business.

An positive feedback is always needed for a better business. It compliments and ensures your continuous improvement and growth
  • Allow your user to rate your product and services.
  • Give them rating an review option to share their experiences with the product.
9. Use easy Navigation website

Make website navigation an smooth process, if a visitor will keep clicking here and there to find out the right thing, it will totally snatch their interest
  • Define product or services into a separate category to ease the burden.
  •  Make sure to add the relevant product to every particular category.
  • Give a filter option to customize the search accordingly.

10. Make it Responsive

Invest in responsive web page designs to give it a user friendly touch. Nobody likes to open a laptop if they looking for a certain thing. Give it a quick and easy start which customizing it to mobile, tables, and iPods. 

let the user enjoy their experiences anywhere, anytime.

Gear up your business by building and amazing website.


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